
Archive for June 25th, 2010


It’s been too long since I posted a blog, busy schedule and all has kept me from doing some things that I love to do.  Sometimes I realize that there is a sacrifice that we make in our personal lives when we say “yes” to our LORD. 

After many months of searching and praying for part-time work, a great job was offered to me and while it’s only 3 days a week, they are busy and filled with new learning experiences.  There has been so much for me to try to absorb that by the end of my work day I’ve been just too tired to do anything other than some Scripture reading and working on sermon material and bulletins.  This isn’t a bad thing!  I am loving my new job at the Animal Hospital! 

Today I’ve been thinking of how we let life and work and busyness crowded out our time with God.  How we let ourselves slip away from fellowship and worship as a body of Christ Jesus.  Once we get out of the “habit” of going to church, it’s easy to just tell ourselves that while we may not be in church, we are still in worship with God.  Now that may be enough, but we are created to cling to each other as a family with Christ as the head of the family.  We are not meant to exclude ourselves from church.  How can we tithe?  How can we build up and encourage one another, especially as the Day grows ever closer?  How can we as a body support other members of the body if we keep ourselves shut up in our homes on Sunday morning?

I understand that some have health issues and some are just not able to get out due to being care givers, etc.  This post is for all who are able to come into fellowship.   I recently came across something that struck me as appropriate for those who have grown “soft” on attendance to church.



“The Church has many critics but no rivals.”  This quotation draws attention to the fact that there is only one true Church.   The Church is the body of Christ, and a study of the Word of God leaves no doubt that the Church is central in the plan of God.  

The Church is God’s plan for proclaiming the truth.  The Bible calls the Church “the pillar and ground of the truth” and to the Church He has entrusted the blessed privilege of  the spreading of the Gospel, that people might hear and believe.  We who are members of the only institution founded by the Savior must take seriously this sacred responsibility.

The Church is also God’s plan for worship.  While it is true that a believer can worship God at any time and any place, the Bible calls us to a corporate worship as a body of believers.  Psalm 95:6 tells us, “O come, let us worshi and bow down; let us kneel before the LORD our Maker.”  The instinct of the human heart is to worship the One Who has saved us.  What a delight it is to be able to join with others to sing His praises and express our love to Him in adoration and worship.

Finally, in Hebrews 10:25 the Holy Spirit cautions us not to forsake the assembling of our selves together, as some have done, but to exhort one another more and more as we see the Day of Christ approaching.  Dont neglect your church!

by Irving D. Larson


The church has many critics.  Just that part of the quotation alone can apply to each and everyone of us!  O how we have found fault with the Church!  It’s so easy to sit and gaze around us and see the complacent, the appathetic, the lukewarm and yet not turn our gaze inward to see our own shortcomings!  Recently I told someone that we should be careful in our finger-pointing because when we do there are 3 fingers pointing back at us for every 1 we point at someone else.  

Well maybe there are problems in the Church!  Do we think that Christ Jesus doesn’t see, do we think that He doesn’t care?  It is no reason to exclude ourselves from the Church!  Brothers and Sisters, it’s our affirmation that there is work to do!  We cannot do it from the outside.  We can only build a strong Church from the inside.  Do you withhold your gifts and services and think this is pleasing to our Savior who called us to the service of each other?  He told Peter that unless Peter allowed Him to wash his feet, he could have no part of Him.  

The Church will not be perfect until Jesus comes to make it so, because it is made up of flawed and faulty people, but each one is valued and loved by God.  Each one is worth the sacrifice Christ made and each one is beloved.  We are called to love one another, not condemn.  Where will you be Sunday?  


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